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This page describes the experience of being at Fort Boise on the Oregon Trail.

Fort Boise

Fort Boise

An Important Supply Depot

Fort Boise, located about 40 miles from the site of the present-day capital of Idaho, was a fur-trading post of the Hudson-Bay Company of England. Built in 1834, the small adobe hut was meant to compete in the local fur-trading market with nearby Fort Hall. Although it ultimately failed in the fur-trading industry, it became an important supply line along the Oregon Trail until 1854, when it was abandoned due to severe flooding and frequent Indian raids. In 1863, the U.S. military built a second Fort Boise to protect gold-seekers and travelers on the trail from Indian raids. The present-day city of Boise developed along this newly-built fort. Today, it is the capital of and largest city in Idaho.

Next Stop: The Dalles

Oregon Trail Map

Oregon Trail Stops

Platte River
Great Plains
Chimney Rock
Fort Laramie
Soda Springs
Rocky Mountains
Fort Boise
The Dalles
Oregon City


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