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This article tells all about the haunting stories and legends from the Bermuda Triangle. In addition, when you click the "listen" button, you can hear the passage while it highlights the text.

Bermuda Triangle Monster

Bermuda Triangle

The Mystery of Why?

The Bermuda Triangle, a region of the Atlantic Ocean defined roughly as the area between Florida, Puerto Rico, and Bermuda, is a hotspot of legend and mystery for navigators and writers alike. Countless airplane and ship disappearances have been credited to the ominous forces of the Bermuda Triangle. Long before the Triangle even had a name, William Shakespeare was inspired by the stories of this Caribbean mystery when he wrote one of his most famous plays, “The Tempest”. Despite the long history of wrecks and disappearances in this patch of ocean, story and myth persist around the reason why the Bermuda Triangle claims so many tragedies. Few can decide which tale to believe.

Methane Gas?

One rather explosive theory points to the geochemical action of methane gas on the seafloor. When soils on the seafloor shift, methane gas that was trapped underneath can erupt in a flurry of bubbles. Some theorize that the “bubbly” ocean water from such a release could decrease the density of the water, making it harder for a passing ship to stay afloat. If the highly flammable methane gas could rise into the atmosphere, some believe that a passing plane could explode from the interaction of the plane engines with the methane. This theory would explain why so many ships and airplanes seem to disappear without a trace in the Bermuda Triangle. Unfortunately, the enormous distances the methane gas would have to travel from seafloor to atmosphere cast doubt on the feasibility of this theory.

Calm Within the Currents?

Some blame the Bermuda Triangle’s turbulent history on the perilous Sargasso Sea that lies within the Triangle’s boundaries. This sea is unique in that its borders are defined not by land, but by the powerful currents that surround it. In the middle of these currents, the still, nearly windless waters harbor dense mats of floating seaweed. It’s no wonder that even today, abandoned ships are found trapped by coiling plants. With no winds to move ships safely onwards, the Sargasso Sea has long posed a danger to ships that rely on the power of the winds for propulsion and steering. While the Sargasso Sea may explain some of the dangers ships face when navigating the Bermuda Triangle, it fails to account for the dozens of planes and ships that have disappeared without a trace.

Other Possibilities

Skeptics claim that the disappearances of the Bermuda Triangle are unremarkable when the physical and weather-based challenges travelers face in this portion of the ocean are considered. The Triangle is prone to storms and hurricanes that can confuse navigators and cause equipment to malfunction. Some parts of the Triangle are full of sharp coral that can rip holes in ships and cause them to sink. Deep pockets and trenches in the ocean floor may hide the remains of wreckages that are commonly believed to have disappeared without a trace. Whatever the true cause of the Bermuda Triangle tragedies, this area will indisputably be a source of lore and intrigue for years to come.



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