The Legend of the Breakfast for Lunch Sausage


It took the Vikings nearly an entire year. In the end, the result was over five million round, delectable mammoth meat discs that could be stored easily within the cold glaciers of their village. Amazingly, the Vikings of the village soon realized that ingestion of a single disc of mammoth meat could keep them nourished and full for entire days, enabling improved concentration and problem solving, and allowing them to use great blocks of time for innovation, invention, and building, rather than hunting. To ensure the preservation of the mammoth meat and the prosperity of their civilization, all Vikings in the village were sworn to secrecy about the discovery.

Time went on and the huge supply of mammoth discs remained. As Viking civilization gradually disappeared, their incredible supply of premium mammoth meat eventually slipped back into the ocean. Rumors of the civilization-sized supply of frozen meat that had magical nourishing powers began to circulate around Europe from lost sailors, setting off a flurry of exploration.

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