The Legend of the Breakfast for Lunch Sausage

It sounded like something dropped and crashed into a surface far below. He heard what sounded like the creaking of a giant door, and then, the snapping of a million bones.  He felt a gentle breeze and then an intense wind that nearly blew him over. Through the wind, he noticed the slots in the wall had turned from dark to a burning, fiery orange. He heard giant rocks scraping against rocks and thunderous booms amplified through the cavern’s smooth walls. It looked like the figures in the murals were alive! Was it an earthquake? What had he done? A thousand thoughts raced through Mr. Nussbaum’s mind in a minute – which seemed like a lifetime. Then, all stopped. Silence once again. Relieved, Mr. Nussbaum quickly rose to his feet and braced himself against a rock wall. He would need to brace himself, because what he saw next simply defied reality.

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