
* The Taiga, or, Boreal Forest Belt, is large belt of forest across the Northern Hemisphere characterized by cold, harsh climate, a low rate or precipitation, and short growing season. Precipitation in this region averages between 12 and 33 inches per year. Most precipitation occurs in the summer month.
* The Taiga region is the world's largest forested region. It covers 17% of the Earth's surface and occupies 29% percent of the Earth's forest cover.
* Southern portions of the Taiga belt are dominated by evergreen trees (sometimes called boreal forest.) Such trees grow close together for protection from the bitter cold and wind.
* Forests in the Taiga Belt are prone to wildfires. Wildfires, however, allow sunlight to reach the forest floor resulting in the growth of new plants.
* Biodiversity in the Taiga Belt is relatively low because of the harsh climate. Common animals include moose, black bears, great grey owls, spruce grouse, wolverines, and others.
Boreal Forest Belt

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