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   Bill of Rights      Constitutional      Father      Federalist      James Madison      State      Virginia      Virginia Plan      War of 1812      balances      bicameral      delegate      fourth      population      powerful      ratification      representation      separation      structure   
was born in in 1751. Madison was a to the Philadelphia Convention, and is widely considered the “ of the Constitution” for his many contributions to the basic of our government. He used Montesquieu’s idea for of powers but also added a system of checks and to assure no one branch was too . He authored the which proposed in the legislative branch based on , but was willing to compromise by creating a legislature. He supported of the new U.S. Constitution and wrote over a third of the Papers, promoting its ratification. He helped frame the , and then became Secretary of under Thomas Jefferson. He was the President of the United States. During his presidency, the United States fought Great Britain in the .