Grilled Cheese Please


Inside the bus were not seats, but gigantic kitchen appliances with food-people just like Richie!  

There was a bagel-and-cream-cheese girl and a cinnamon-toast girl giggling in a giant toaster.  

A pickle girl was jumping from shelf to shelf in a ten-foot high see-through refrigerator.  

There were even hot-dog twins swinging from the rack of a giant electric grill.  

As he hopped toward the back of the kitchen-bus, a large slice of pizza said, “I think you belong over there.”  

Richie looked in the direction where the cheese-oozing pizza boy was pointing. His eyes met a colossal deep fryer that was bubbling with hot oil. It was irresistible.  

Richie hopped as fast as he could and jumped right in. It felt great. The sizzling snaps of his crispy skin bathing in scorching oil were music to his ears.  

After he was settled in the fryer, the kitchen-bus left. All of the food people were enjoying the ride.  

Some had even begun talking to each other.



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