Grilled Cheese Please


What was on the other side of the door was amazing! It was like a french-fry’s dream neighborhood.

Fries grew like leaves from potato trees. Some had shoestring fries, some had rippled fries and some had waffle-cut fries. Some even had ketchup flowers blossoming from potato branches.   There was a lake of thick, dark red ketchup, and it rained white and orange grains of mouth-watering seasoning salt.

“This is quite a strange school,” said Richie. Though there was no one there to respond.  

The rich smell of fried potatoes was everywhere.

All of the houses in the neighborhood were different-sized containers that fries come in. Some were cardboard and some were made of paper. Others were large brown cups with french-fries painted on them. All were dripping with grease.

There were even french-fry parents lying along the lake while their french-fry children splashed under the giant ketchup pump.


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