Read the first seven pages of Grilled Cheese Please and answer the multiple choice questions.
Page 22

Richie stared down at his lunch for a second. It was a grilled cheese sandwich.

He could almost feel the breath of the mob chanting, “Eat him! Eat him! Eat him!”

He looked to the right. He looked to the left. He looked straight ahead.

The hungry mob was still coming at him.

Richie looked down again at the grilled cheese sandwich. Amazingly enough, a face appeared saying, “Eat me…eat me…eat me!”

Page 23

Richie hesitated. You see, he had never eaten anything but french fries.

He raised the sandwich to his mouth just as the mob raised their forks and knives to cut him up.

Then, Richie closed his eyes and took a big bite of the sandwich.

Page 24

As soon as Richie swallowed the bite the mob vanished. The forks and knives dropped with a collective clang to the ground. Saltshakers fell. Ketchup bottles shattered. Dust swirled. The sound of plopping ketchup replaced the mob's screaming. Soon, french-fry people from behind trees, underneath containers, and submerged deep in Lake Ketchup started cheering for Richie.

He was a hero.

Page 25

One particularly large french fry offered Richie a crown and placed it on his head. They all cheered wildly for Richie and begged him to stay.

Amidst the cheering and celebration, Richie noticed his hands once again had fingers. He had two legs and could even wiggle his toes.

He also noticed the door he had first walked through was open again. As he peered through, he could see that it led straight outside and to the car in which his mother was waiting. Richie didn’t know what to do. He could stay amongst the french fries forever, where he’d be a hero.

Or, he could return home to his life as a boy.

Page 26

Richie looked again at his mom and her gleaming smile.

Meanwhile, back in the classroom, Mr. Encalab waited to see what Richie would do.

Page 27

Richie made a decision. He ran through the door and into his mom’s car. She gave him a hug.

“What a day,” Richie sighed.

“I’ll bet,” replied his mom. “What do you want for dinner tonight, Richie?”

Richie had always answered french fries, but this time he thought about it.

“I’m going to have…um...

“I’ll have…

“Grilled cheese, please!”

“That’s wonderful, Richie!” said his mom.

Page 28

Meanwhile, back in the classroom, Mr. Encalab smiled as he looked as his gradebook. He wrote an A + next to Richie's name.

Guess what Richie’s mom brought into class for his next birthday?