Your planet is under attack by the Spellerz. Destroy the alien ships before it’s too late!
Enter your Invasion Code below.
Invasion Code
example: A B C 1 2 3
If you don't have an Invasion Code, please close this window and select "Choose your Invasion" instead or create your Own Invasion.
Enter words below, one per line, then click on the save button.
Invasion Name:
Time Limit (in seconds):
Invasion Description:
Word List:
Spellerz Attack!
The goal of this game is to destroy all of the Spellerz ships within the time limit.
To attack a ship, type the highligted letter of the ship's name. Once all letters have been typed, the ship will be destroyed. Good luck!
You beat the Spellerz Invasion with 3 seconds remaining!
It is a sad day for the planet, but you must fight on. More invasions are on their way!