Blue Jay


The Blue Jay is about 11 inches in length. No other bird in the eastern United States could be reasonably mistaken for the Blue Jay. It has a prominent blue crest, blue wings, back, and tail. The Blue Jay has a white face, throat, breast and belly. It has a black eye, eye streak, bill, necklace, and wing bars. Male and female Blue Jays look identical.The Blue Jay's loud cries can be heard from quite a distance, and a small flock of Blue Jays scolding a hawk or owl can be very loud. Interestingly enough, the Blue Jay can mimic the sounds of other birds, and is especially adept at mimicking the call of a Red-Shouldered Hawk.

The Blue Jay eats a wide variety of things such as nuts, acorns, seeds, and insects. Blue Jays are well known across North America. Toronto, Canada even named their professional baseball team after the Blue Jay.
Range and Habitat

The Blue Jay is a common and conspicuous visitor to eastern backyards and gardens. The Blue Jay ranges across the eastern United States west to the Rocky Mountains. It is a year-round resident. In fact, in much of the eastern and central United States and Canada (except for northern New England and Florida), the Blue Jay is the only jay to be found. Once a bird of deep forests and mountains, the Blue Jay has adapted to neighborhoods, farms, and city parks. Blue Jays usually travel in small groups, and can easily raid a backyard bird feeder in minutes.

The Blue Jay is common.