Read the passage and answer the questions.


First Men on the Moon

by J. Patrick Lewis


"The Eagle has landed!"

Apollo 11 Commander Neil A. Armstrong


"A magnificent desolation!"

Air Force Colonel Edwin E. "Buzz" Aldrin, Jr.


July 20, 1969


That afternoon in mid-July,

Two pilgrims watched from distant space

The Moon ballooning in the sky,

They rose to meet it face-to-face.


Their spidery spaceship Eagle dropped

Down gently on the lunar sand.

And when the module's engines stopped,

Cold silence fell across the land.


The first man down the ladder, Neil,

Spoke words that we remember now--

"Small step for man..." It made us feel

As if we too were there somehow.


Then Neil planted the flag and Buzz

Collected lunar rocks and dust.

They hopped like kangaroos because

Of gravity. Or wanderlust.


A quarter million miles away,

One small blue planet watched in awe.

And no one who was there that day

Will soon forget the Moon they saw.