

About 10 inches in length, the Mockingbird is gray above and white below. It has blackish wings and a long, blackish tail. The Mockingbird shows prominent white wing patches in flight. It also has bright yellow eyes.

The Mockingbird is most famous for its amazing range of vocal ability. The Mockingbird can copy the song or call of many different birds and animals, and even those of cars, sirens, and whistles. Killdeer, Blue Jay, Red Shouldered Hawks, Starlings, and Cardinals are among the bird songs that Mockingbirds can copy so well, you could hardly tell the difference between one and the real bird. Mockingbirds are aggressive and conspicuous and may sing from an exposed perch for hours at a time. Mockingbirds are often seen chasing robins and blue jays from their territories. They may even attack people who wander too close to their nest.

Mockingbirds eat insects and berries.
Range and Habitat
The Mockingbird is a common year round resident throughout the southern United States. It is also common in parts of the north. The Mockingbird is a popular bird, and is honored as the state bird of Arkansas, Texas, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Florida. Mockingbirds are usually found in open areas, golf courses, gardens, parks, neighborhoods, and roadsides.
The Mockingbird is common.