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Which of the following describes the pie chart?
1/2 - blue, 1/2 - green, 1/4 - brown
1/2 - blue, 1/4 - green, 1/4 - brown
1/4 - blue, 1/2 - green, 1/4 - brown
1/2 - blue, 1/8 - green, 1/8 - brown
Which of the following describes the pie chart?
1/2 brown, 3/8 blue, 1/8 green
1/2 brown, 1/4 blue, 1/4 green
1/2 brown, 3/8 green, 1/8 blue
1/2 brown, 1/4 green, 1/8 blue
Which of the following describes the pie chart?
3/8 blue, 1/8 orange, 1/4 gray, 1/8 brown
1/4 blue, 3/8 orange, 1/8 gray, 1/4 brown
1/2 blue, 1/8 gray, 1/4 orange, 1/4 brown
3/8 blue, 1/4 orange, 1/4 brown, 1/8 gray
Which of the following makes the largest fraction?
Blue + Purple
Orange + Green
Blue + Green
Purple + Orange
What pie chart shows: 3/8 orange, 1/4 red, 3/8 blue?